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I'm Alison, that's my little boy Finn, and we are absolutely thrilled to have you at BrocanteHome!

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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

See You Soon!

Hello Darlings, now please don't panic, because my See You Soon is there for a very good reason indeed. While it might at first glance seem as though I have quit the blogging party to go strutt my stuff at the nightclub around the corner, in actual fact, I am very, very, very busy working on a little something behind the scenes, and all will be revealed hopefully by the end of next week.

If by then I haven't suffocated under the mountain of laundry I am steadfastly ignoring whilst all my efforts are concentrated on re-igniting my little old blogging flame, I will meet you here then, and in the meantime, for all those of you who cannot live without a fix of Brocante in your homemaking day, the Puttery Post will be in your in-boxes as usual.

Till then my Sweets, I bid you adieu...x


Gena said...

Oooooh how tantalising! cant wait!xxx

Beth said...

Hee, I love that picture. Too funny. Good luck with the Thing! I bet it's great. :-)

Mrs. Cozy Home said...

Can't wait until you share what it is!!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Ooooh you tease, I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

Victoria xx

vmichelle said...

Terrific photo of Lauren Baccall at the typewriter. She looks so mischievous and manic! Will be looking forward to seeing what you do...

Sasha said...

Ooh, curiouser and curiouser.......!!
Good luck xx

Hausfrau said...

I'm looking forward to it, whatever it is!

P. said...

Can't wait!!!

fairytalesandflowers said...

ooh fancy! Cannot wait!

lilo said...

Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us!

Megan said...

Oh thank goodness, I was starting to get worried. How intriguing, cant wait.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's piqued my interest! Just what are you up to? :-)


Carlie said...

How exciting! Will wait with baited breath!

Gwendolen Elaine said...

Missing my daily dose of British happiness...hope your project is going well:)

sbgirl said...

Come back! Come back! I check in on Brocante Home at least 3 times a day to see if there are updates! This is way too long to wait!

Puttery Post!

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